Photo credits
- Ukraine: World Food Programme
- Somalia: Action against hunger
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How is it possible to tackle such a gigantic problem? It's simple: you have to start somewhere. We chose Ukraine and Somalia.
The war has left many people in acute need. According to the UN, around 17.7 million people urgently need humanitarian aid and protection. Many do not know how to get food because supply lines have been disrupted, crops have been destroyed by the war, or they cannot afford the food available (Source: OCHA, 2022 and 2023).
In hardly any other country in the world is the famine as dramatic as in Somalia. 7.1 million people suffer from hunger here - almost half of the population. Children are particularly affected (Source: WFP , 2022).
260.000Meals are distributed
Together with our cooperation partners, we achieved our ambitious goals in the first round of the project and financed the distribution of 260,000 meals in Somalia and Ukraine.
After a successful initial financing, we are continuing the project in Ukraine and are now also providing support at the Lesbos location. Click here to read about the current emergency aid work with Europe Cares and the UN World Food Programme .
Photo credits