Quality policy
Our quality policy is part of our corporate guidelines. It consists of the following areas:
- customer orientation,
- Social responsibility and sustainability,
- Ethics and personnel responsibility and our
- product promise together.
We translate our quality policy internally into measurable goals that flow throughout the entire company and allow all of us at share to be part of the implementation every day.
For us, customer orientation means
Focusing on the needs and quality requirements of our consumers during product development is a central part of our portfolio strategy.
We strive to always meet the same requirements that consumers place on comparable products in the branded goods industry.
Because only if we meet these points to our full satisfaction can we differentiate ourselves - furthermore - through the social impact component.
We ensure this through market analyses of comparable products (ingredients, claims, product promises, etc.) as well as through qualitative and quantitative market research on our own products.
In addition, we regularly monitor feedback/reviews from consumer forums (e.g. dm, amazon, etc.) and take corrective action where appropriate and necessary.
Our brand core: social responsibility and sustainability
share exists to make the world fairer, to reduce inequalities, to ensure people have access to basic social needs. That is why every product contains a social donation that directly supports a person in need. By investing in social projects with our renowned partner organizations, we ensure that the help reaches those who urgently need it. We focus on humanitarian aid and development cooperation projects worldwide as well as on local initiatives in Europe.
Social impact is at the heart of share, so we take our responsibility for dealing with social risks in our value chain very seriously. By working closely with our suppliers, we want to ensure that transparency and fairness prevail and that any form of exploitation is avoided. To do this, we work with a cloud-based tool that enables us to collect and manage valuable information from our suppliers. High-risk raw materials and ingredients are checked particularly critically for their origin and, where possible, sourced from fair trade.
We strive to keep our ecological footprint as small as possible without compromising on product quality and safety. The focus is on optimizing our packaging by reducing the use of materials and increasing recyclability. Where possible and ecologically sensible, we prefer to use material made from renewable raw materials. In this way, we are working towards a circular model to reduce packaging waste and conserve valuable raw materials. In addition, recording and reducing our emissions is a central element of our sustainability strategy, both at the company level and for our products. This is because climate change hits vulnerable groups the hardest, and these include the people we support through our social projects.
Our ethical responsibility, which we live internally and externally
We accept our responsibility as a business in this complex world. We live our values in our partnerships with our customers such as Rewe and dm; our suppliers; our partner organizations and all external contacts who accompany us on our mission.
Our values are also, and especially, the benchmark for working within our company. For us, this means that we create opportunities to strengthen physical and mental health, offer a flexible working model, create a training program for our employees and, of course, spend time together as people.
Our people's committee (working group for dialogue between team and management) and our Diversiteam (working group for diversity and integration) ensure that the interests of employees are represented and that we consistently address possible bias and prejudice.
The quality of our products
Our ultimate goal is to produce safe, legal and authentic products. We constantly deal with the feedback of our employees, partners, customers, end consumers and the current market conditions in order to continuously improve. An established, lived food safety culture is a prerequisite for us and for our partners. Our suppliers are a decisive factor in this. We make sure that they are certified according to GFSI guidelines in the food sector, for example, and can produce according to our strict specifications. Our internal quality management continuously checks the implementation of our quality standards.
The authenticity, safety and quality of our products, as well as the social idea, are firmly anchored in our company philosophy.