[Completed] Reforestation in Haiti and Ethiopia

The goal set in this project has been fully funded since December 6, 2023

With your help, 250,000 tree seedlings will be planted in Ethiopia & Haiti!

This is how your help arrives: Photo: Eden Reforestation Projects

This is how your help arrives:

  • Creation of new jobs
  • Creating fair wages for small farmers
  • Training courses on sustainable agriculture
Photo: Eden Reforestation Projects
Our impact: Photo: Eden Reforestation Projects

Our impact:

  • Regeneration of the ecosystem
  • Improving crop yields & food security
    in the region
  • Protecting biodiversity
Photo: Eden Reforestation Projects
Our partners: Photo: Welthungerhilfe

Our partners:

Together with our partners, we help with the reforestation of forests and mangroves:

  • Haiti: World Hunger Aid
  • Ethiopia: Eden Reforestation Projects
Photo: Welthungerhilfe


“Planting fruit trees for community members enables the increase of incomes of community members through the diversification of fruit varieties”

Esther Paynis project worker in Thiotte, Haiti (Photo: Eden Reforestation Projects)

Already knew? Photo: Eden Reforestation Projects

Already knew?

Agroforestry is an approach that involves planting trees on agricultural land, improving the environment, agriculture and local livelihoods (FAO)

Photo: Eden Reforestation Projects
And now …? Photo: Eden Reforestation Projects

And now …?

Together with you, we want to make even more reforestation possible.

Click below to find out what happens next with your funding project.

Photo: Eden Reforestation Projects

Reforestation against climate change

For the first round of our reforestation project in Ethiopia and Haiti, we have teamed up with Welthungerhilfe and Eden Reforestation Projects . The long-term goal: healthy tree stands that can mitigate the impact of disasters and increase both water quality and soil fertility. They should also stabilize and protect biodiversity and provide refuge for animals and insects (source: EOS , 2021). In share magazine you can find all the details about our completed project.

250.000Trees are planted

What we have achieved

Together with our cooperation partners, we achieved our ambitious goals in the first round of the project and financed the planting of 250,000 tree seedlings.

Where we helped

Why Haiti
Why Haiti

Islands are particularly affected by extreme weather and climate changes. In Haiti, the effects of climate change are clearly visible in the weather events that threaten flora and fauna and also damage agricultural harvests. Crop failures worsen living conditions and food insecurity in the country.

Why Ethiopia
Why Ethiopia

Ethiopia's population, especially in rural areas, depends on healthy forests and their natural resources for their livelihoods. At the same time, the country's forest stocks have declined sharply in recent decades, posing major challenges for people and ecosystems (Source: Eden Reforestation Projects , 2023).

round 2

This is how it continues

After a successful initial financing, we are continuing the projects in Haiti and Ethiopia. Click here to find out more about the current commitment to climate protection with Eden Reforestation Projects and Welthungerhilfe .

Photo credits

Eden Reforestation Projects, World Hunger Aid

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