Your care product donates to people in Sierra Leone
With your help, we want to give people access to safe sanitation facilities. To do this, we are renovating 146 latrines.
Did you know that each of our products always contains a social donation? Let's look at Sierra Leone, a country that is rich in natural resources and yet is one of the poorest in the world. As a result of a civil war, large parts of the water and sanitation infrastructure have been destroyed, which poses an enormous challenge, especially for rural regions. Several outbreaks of Ebola and most recently COVID-19 have further exacerbated the situation. This is where your toilet paper donates to give people access to a toilet.
What a big difference does access to safe sanitation infrastructure make?
We rarely realize how far-reaching the consequences of safe sanitation infrastructure are. However, it actually has a huge impact if people do not have access to a toilet. A lack of sanitary facilities encourages people to quickly contract infections - diseases that could actually be avoided.
It is also extremely important that children have access to a toilet at school to ensure their safety and privacy. The situation is particularly critical for young girls, because without toilets with a separate area for girls, they often stay away from school as soon as their period starts.
Action Against Hunger
The aid organization Action Against Hunger has been fighting hunger in the world since 1979 and aims to save lives and give new hope to people in need. In addition to providing access to food, this also includes building wells and sanitary facilities, training people in healthy behavior and distributing hygiene products.
How exactly are the latrines financed?
Now back to the donation. How is this transformed into social aid? Together with our partner Action Against Hunger, we want to give schools and communities access to safe sanitary facilities. However, as an independent aid organization, Action Against Hunger does not support any products or services. That's why share gives 12 cents of every pack of toilet paper sold and 10 cents of every hand cream sold to Action Against Hunger to enable the construction of latrines.
Project active since October 2022
Photos: Nyakudjara