In Germany, 3 million people cannot afford a healthy diet.¹
The beginning of every change lies in knowledge. That is why we conducted a representative survey on food poverty in Germany with YouGov*. Here are the important results:

30% of the population
have to restrict their food for financial reasons.

20% of people
cannot afford as much fruit and vegetables as they would like.

23% of respondents
have sent their child to school without breakfast for financial reasons.

49% of respondents
hear in their environment that people can no longer afford certain foods.
*The data used is based on an online survey by YouGov Deutschland GmbH, in which 2052 people took part between January 16 and 18, 2024. The results were weighted and are representative of the German population aged 18 and over.
Together against food poverty
What can I do about food poverty?
Since the attack on Ukraine and the rising prices, more people than ever before have come to the food banks. The good news: everyone can make an important contribution! Here is our call for support:
- Donate time, food or money: Volunteer work, regular or one-off donations are valuable contributions to food rescue.
Companies can support the food banks as a team. For example, our share team regularly helps at the Berlin food bank.
What needs to be done to combat food poverty in Germany?
demands on politics
14.1 million people in Germany are threatened by poverty. Of these, 1.6 to 2 million are dependent on the support of the food banks. The German food bank is therefore calling on the federal government to:

poverty-proof livelihood
Minimum wage and social benefits, basic child benefits and pensions must be poverty-proof and ensure a balanced diet in all phases of life.

Food Rescue Act
Legally secure, simplified and tax-advantaged food donations to make donations easier for manufacturers, producers and food retailers.

Financial support for non-profit organizations:
Government assistance to organisations such as food banks to overcome logistical challenges in rescuing and distributing food.

Education about food waste:
Comprehensive information for consumers about measures against food waste.
What has share achieved so far with the food banks?
Since our founding, we have cooperated with the Tafel Deutschland and the Berliner Tafel. The snacks from share as well as the Future checking account from share and ING support the Tafel.
Together, more than 21 million meals have already been distributed.
Together, we have already saved over 10,000 tons of food.
10.000tons of food
Everyone can help!
Good to know
Everything important at a glance.
Yes, the survey results are available for unrestricted use.
When using data from the representative YouGov survey, share & SAT.1 should always be stated as the sender.
If possible, the following paragraph should also be included: "For the survey, YouGov, on behalf of share and SAT.1, interviewed 2052 people between January 16 and 18, 2024. The results were weighted and are representative of the population aged 18 and over in Germany."
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact share’s PR department at
Food poverty in Germany has various causes, including low pensions, long-term unemployment and insufficient support for single parents. These factors contribute to the fact that 3 million people currently cannot afford healthy food.
¹ Releases/ DE/2023/230901_BZfE-Forum.html