30% of the population

has to cut back on food for financial reasons.

20% of people

cannot afford as much fruit and as many vegetables as they would like.

23% of respondents

have sent their child to school without breakfast for financial reasons.

49% of respondents

hear in their circle of friends and colleagues that people can no longer afford certain foods.

Together, more than 21 million meals have already been distributed.


Together, more than 10,000 tons of food have already been saved.

10.000Tons of food

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May the study be used?

Yes, the survey results are available for use without restriction.

What must be observed when using the data?

When using the data from the representative YouGov survey, share & SAT.1 should always be stated as the sender.

If possible, the following paragraph should also be integrated: “For the survey, YouGov interviewed 2,052 people between January 16 and 18, 2024, on behalf of share and SAT.1. The results were weighted and are representative of the population aged 18 and over in Germany.”

Can the PR Department at share be contacted?

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact share’s PR Department at presse@share.eu.

Why does Germany have food poverty?

Food poverty in Germany has various causes, including insufficient pensions, long-term unemployment and inadequate support for single parents. These factors contribute to the fact that 3 million people cannot afford a healthy diet.