Whether it's the A6 notebook, the A4 college block, ballpoint pens, fineliners, highlighters, etc. - share stationery is perfectly tailored to everyday school needs.
And the best thing: the share stationery not only ensures that you or your children can learn even better, but also donates education to children in other parts of the world where attending school is not easily possible. By purchasing share stationery, you support various educational projects that provide children around the world with essential things for attending school and enable everyday school life - from school materials to meals to hygiene products.
We are pleased that you support our vision of more educational equality. To coincide with the start of school this year, you can download a freetimetableandcoloring pages here as a small thank youDownload – to print, paint and hang up. We wish you and your loved ones a great start to a successful new school year.
See here where your help goes and how we work together to ensure fairer educational opportunities:https://youtu.be/wlbfofjk2rc
We are here for you!
No matter whether you have special orders, questions, love letters or criticism – we are here for you and look forward to hearing from you about us and our products.