Sports-related youth and educational work for disadvantaged young people in Germany

Sports activities for children in Germany

Equal opportunities and the possibility to develop one's potential are not a given in Germany either. Many children and young people are disadvantaged and have inadequate access to education and extracurricular support.

Through innovative sports offerings, we work with our partners to ensure that more young people can recognise and develop their skills. This can open up opportunities, create a basis for integration and thereby improve future prospects.

Sports activities for children in Germany

Where we help

In Germany, not all children and young people have the same opportunities to participate in society and thus develop a sense of belonging. Almost one in five children grows up in poverty and suffers from social inequality. (Bertelsmann, 2023)

Why Germany?
Why Germany?

Everyday discrimination and constant pressure to prove oneself create conditions that make it difficult to overcome socio-economic hurdles. The consequences can be frustration, resignation, a lack of self-esteem and a lack of confidence in one's own abilities.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated these unequal opportunities and associated mechanisms of social exclusion and societal divisions.

More equal opportunities through sport
More equal opportunities through sport

Sport provides a starting point for encounters and inclusive learning for children and young people with diverse cultural backgrounds and biographies. Here they have the opportunity to have positive experiences together, to break down prejudices, and to experience and practice dealing with each other with mutual respect and fairness.

105.000Lessons that promote sports and education

What we want to achieve

For us, transparent goals and communication are essential when it comes to projects and collaborations. Together with our partners KICKFAIR and RheinFlanke, we define what we want to achieve.

How we work

Our selected partners in the effort to promote greater inclusion and equal opportunities are RheinFlanke and KICKFAIR . Together we enable children and young people to have access to a diverse program of extracurricular learning opportunities. Sport always serves as the driving force for the development of skills and competencies.

Together for more equal opportunities Together for more equal opportunities

Together for more equal opportunities

RheinFlanke has been working with young people since 2006. Sport helps to establish contacts and supports skills development. As a recognized provider of sports-related youth and educational work, it implements this concept at locations in North Rhine-Westphalia with over 100 employees.

Sport creates opportunities Sport creates opportunities

Sport creates opportunities

Recognizing and promoting skills, opening up opportunities, creating a basis for integration and thereby improving future prospects. At RheinFlanke , sport always provides the basis for achieving these goals. It facilitates access and enables social learning processes.

Making a difference together Making a difference together

Making a difference together

Together with RheinFlanke, we want to promote the diverse skills of young people and support them in their actions. The initiatives motivate students to take up further opportunities that will make it easier for them to gain training and live a self-determined life.

Awakening potential together Awakening potential together

Awakening potential together

Founded in May 2007, KICKFAIR supports children and young people in developing their potential so that they have equal opportunities in a democratic society. The educational concept is implemented through sports activities such as street football and young people are supported in their personal development.

Learning field street football Learning field street football

Learning field street football

The rules for each game are determined together, then the games are played and then the games are evaluated together.

The young people organize all KICKFAIR activities themselves. They take on responsibility from planning to implementation and grow through a variety of tasks.

Developing skills and creating a sense of togetherness Developing skills and creating a sense of togetherness

Developing skills and creating a sense of togetherness

Through its innovative and holistic approach, KICKFAIR creates places where children and young people experience a sense of belonging and develop confidence in their own abilities. They take on responsibility and actively shape social interaction and coexistence in a community.

In democratic coexistence In democratic coexistence

In democratic coexistence

Support KICKFAIR together with us to help children and young people discover and develop their potential in a democratic community – for more equal opportunities.

Photo credits

  • Why Germany: KICKFAIR & Jörg Jäger I Photography
  • More equal opportunities through sport: RheinFlanke
  • Slider RheinFlanke : RheinFlanke
  • Slider KICKFAIR: KICKFAIR & Jörg Jäger I Photography

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